Each fashion designer dreams of starting a successful fashion career. For that reason, they showcase their strong working power and creativity against the aggressive competition. Beginners can only face their competitors when they have appropriate design tools.

Fashion design tools and equipment have different categories as shown below

​A. Draping Tools

​Draping is an essential technique that entails positioning and pinning garments around an outfit to create a structure of it. The following are some of the vital tools required in this process.

a.Measurement tape

​b. Dressmaker pins

​c. Muslin

​d. Styling curve

​e. Plastic ruler 18”

​f. Adhesive and non-adhesive style tape

​g. Pencil and pencil sharpene

​h. Yardstick

​i. L Square

​j. Tracing and sketch paper roll

 B. Dress Forms

​It’s usually used for draping and fitting clothes when designing and sewing a garment. More so, beginners can use it when fitting, creating new designs, making patterns, and draping.  The following are accompanying tools.

​1. The dress adjustment kit

2. Full and half female body dress form for size ranging from 2 to 18

​3. Male dress form for size S, M, L

​4. Adjustable dress form for sizes S-M, M-L

​​C. Art and Sketching Tools

​The following are vital tools that you need when sketching a new design.

​1. Sketchbook

​2. Sketchpad

​3. Color pencil and normal drawing pencil preferably Hb, 2b, 4b, 6b,

​4. Eraser

​5. Clear plastic ruler

​6. Graph and carbon paper

​7. Black liquid marker

​8. Drafting table of different sizes

​9. Tracing and sketching paper roll

​10. Poster color, water, and brush

​ D. Pressing Tools

​You need to straighten the fabric before beginning the draping and cutting process. The following are some of the tools that will help you.

​1. Steam press

​2. Steam iron

​3. Fabric steamer

​4. Portable fabric steamer

​5. Tabletop ironing board

​ E. Sewing Tools

​It’s an essential kit for beginners since it helps them when making outfits, during photoshoots when something goes wrong and for adding final touches before hitting the runway. The following are part of the sewing tools

​1. Sewing machines

​2. Sewing and hand needles

​3. Threads

​4. Thread cutter

​5. Small scissors

​6. Decorative trimmings

​7. Glue

​​F. Fabrics

​Every designer should be conversant with different materials and patterns. Fabrics are classified based on the fiber used to make them, their comfort, durability, fabric construction, and cost, among others. A fashion beginner should be able to differentiate various fabrics based on these features.

​ G. Computer Assisted Design (CAD) Tools

​Advancement in technology has improved various aspects of the fashion world. Thus, designers are using various computer-assisted design tools to develop creative designs. The following are some of the tools that you can use for this purpose.

​Adobe illustrator

​Adobe photoshop


​Ps, Ai among others

​​H. Pattern Making Tools

​These are tools that help you to understand the measurement techniques, sizing, and dimensions. The following are some of the tools that can help you.

​Pattern papers

​Tracing paper

​Tracing wheel


​Measurement tape

​Paper scissors

​French, hip, and styling curves

​Pencil, sharpener, and eraser

​ i. Cutting Mats

​These mats are available in different sizes and are used by both professionals and students to get accurate fabric or paper designs.

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